Request an account

To access Codman, you need permission from the contact person of your hospital’s relevant registration(s). 

You can apply for a Codman account in three different ways:  

  1. Send an e-mail to the Service Desk with the contact person for the relevant registration in cc. 
  2. The contact person can register you directly by sending an e-mail. 
  3. An authorised person within the hospital can also give you access to the Codman dashboard. This is a person designated by the hospital itself. 

Note: By default, you are not granted rights to view patient data. If you do want these rights, you can indicate this in the e-mail. 

If you do not know who the contact person is for a specific registration(s), you can also contact the Service Desk. The Service Desk can be reached at  

If you already have an account and would like to request access to multiple registrations, you can go through the same process. 


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