Roles: contact person vs. administrator

In the self-service portal, there are 2 roles that have different functionalities:

  1. Contact Person
  2. Organizational Administrator

Below we show in the table what the functionalities are for each role.

FunctionalityContact PersonAdministrator
General data user
User roles and access to
editing registrations*
Managing access requests*XX
Invite a user**XX
Create exports of users and
their access***
MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication).
of a user reset ****
If you are part of multiple
organizations, choose which organization
you want to manage*****
Invite other contact personsX
Remove users from your

You can change the contacts at any time through the self-service portal. If you would like a new organization administrator, please contact our service desk. We recommend having two organizational administrators.


* You cannot manage a user’s access if that user has an open access request. A clear indication of an existing request appears in the Application Rolls window. Deal with the request first and edit later, if necessary.

**This functionality is intended to invite users who do not already have an account for MRDM products.

The application roles you assign in this step are automatically assigned when the user creates an account.

A warning may appear that the e-mail domain does not meet the e-mail domain restrictions configured for your organization. As a security measure, we may enforce email domain restrictions for users registering on the platform. However, we do allow contacts to invite users with email addresses that do not meet these email domain restrictions. Be aware, however, that there are often rules within organizations surrounding the use of e-mail domains outside too the organization. If in doubt, check internally with your privacy or security officer.

***Use the export function if you want to view user data and access in xlsx format.

****Setting up the MFA is one step in creating an account. After the account is created, MFA is used to log into the application. You can view more details here

*****If you are part of multiple organizations as a contact, the first step after logging in is to choose the organization whose users you want to manage. This step is skipped if you are only assigned as a contact in one organization.

Service Desk

If you have any questions, we are here for you.
Call or email us at the phone number or email address below.