Phase 4: Upload to production-environment

Once the connect-delivery complies to the minimal technical and substantive requirements, you will receive a message that you can upload the data onto the production-environment. This will start the production-trajectory. 

The production batch file needs to meet the same technical requirements as the previously delivered batch file in the connect phase. If this is not the case, the batch will be declined for technical reasons.  

To change your organization’s technical specifications, you must enter a request via the service desk. Changing the specifications during the process means that the organization specific settings need to be adapted, which will require the batch to be run via the connect-procedure again. 

Note: Standard Sets are updated regularly (typically once per year). If the Standard Set that you participate in has been updated, the batch process will be restarted. This means we will start up the connect phase so we can update the settings based on the specifications of the new Standard Set. The batch-delivery needs to comply to the specifications of the new release

Validation steps

Batch validation of a production batch follows these steps: 

  1. Upload a batch on DataConnect and choose the ‘production’ phase. 
  1. If the technical specifications are met, your batch file will be validated on its content 
  1. After the content-related validation, you will receive a message with the validation reports attached. The message will state whether the uploaded batch file has a positive or negative assessment. 
    1. Negative assessment: we will communicate what needs to be adjusted and you are requested to upload a new batch with the necessary corrections. 
    2. Positive assessment: the data will be imported in the database. Data-upload is successful. 

Note: The minimal content-related requirements are batch import blocking errors. It could be that there are additional errors in the delivery, that could potentially influence the quality and completeness of the delivered data. These errors are not blocking, but they are mentioned in the validation reports for consideration by the health care provider. 


When the uploaded batch file meets the content-related requirements, the data will be imported into the database and an import report will be sent to the health care provider, stating the number of records per dataset we’ve processed and imported.  

Note: even though we import the uploaded data, there might still be some substantive errors in the uploaded data. These errors can be found in the quality report file that’s part of the import report. We do urge you to look through the import report when the data has been imported to avoid any surprises later on in the process (e.g., the numbers in the reporting environment are not as expected).

Service Desk

If you have any questions, we are here for you.
Call or email us at the phone number or email address below.